Bendy Myth: I'm too old to start contortion.

You can start flexibility and contortion (and many other circus and non-circus skills) training at any age!

Yeah, it's common to see super bendy children and get discouraged; I've been there. BUT, I started training contortion at 24 and know many contortionists who didn't begin training contortion level skills until their 20s and 30s! Everyone has to start somewhere, and it's unreasonable to measure your skills and background to someone else who is not yourself.

The biggest thing I think adults have to focus on when training flexibility is building strength throughout their range of motion to stay safe and prevent injury. Really training active flexibility and strength.

When did you start your flexibility /contortion journey?!

#bendymyth #flexibility #contortion


Bendy Myth: I don't need rest days!


Bendy Myth: It's normal to have pain when stretching.